Xing interactive dark legions
Xing interactive dark legions

xing interactive dark legions

One thing to note here though is when removing the mask, if you stretch it then the paint on top of it detaches and it can make a huge mess, so it's best to roll it off. The masking only takes a few minutes, I thin some down with water for the edges and borders and when that's in I go over it really thick to make it easier to peel off. I use a latex glue called Liquitex as a liquid mask, it's basically the same stuff but way cheaper and easily available in the UK. For example along his rifle, towards the read is XV-88, through Tau Light Ochre and up to Ungor Flesh. The zenithal was just part of the base coat to add some colour variation. Gloss varnish lenses and gyros - Brush.Highlight gyros with Auric Armour Gold - Brush.Wash gyros with Reikland Fleshshade - Brush.Base gyros with Retributor Armor - Brush.Add lense reflection with Ceramite White - Brush.Layer lenses with Alaitoc Blue - Brush.Base lenses with Abaddon Black - Brush.Highlight black with Dawnstone - Stipple using fine pointed brush.Highlight black with Eshin Grey - Stipple using fine pointed brush.Highlight Sept markings with Ulthuan Grey - Stipple using fine pointed brush.Highlight armour with Ungor Flesh - Stipple using fine pointed brush.Highlight armour with Tau Light Ochre - Stipple using fine pointed brush.Highlight leather with Baneblade Brown - Stipple using fine pointed brush.Highlight leather with Gorthor Brown - Stipple using fine pointed brush.Add chipping with Abaddon Black - Stipple using large flat brush.Essentially overbrush the wash off of the model. Let it dry slightly (5 min) before removing surplus with white spirit on brush. Weather whole model with AK Interactive Dark Brown Wash.Add ridges to nails with Dawnstone - Brush.Pin wash armour panels with AK Interactive Dark Brown Wash - Brush.Remove all masking using a wooden tooth pick.Highlight Sept markings with Ulthuan Grey - Airbrush.Base Sept markings with Dawnstone - Airbrush.Mask off everything but Sept markings - Liquid mask.Highlight black areas with Eshin Grey - Airbrush.Base black areas with Abaddon Black - Brush.Zenithal highlight leather with Gorthor Brown - Airbrush.Highlight armour panels very lightly with Ungor Flesh - Airbrush.Highlight armour panels with Tau Light Ochre - Airbrush.It was an AK Interactive wash, I put it on and let it dry a bit, then remove some using white spirit.

Xing interactive dark legions