F1 manager 2000 widnows 7
F1 manager 2000 widnows 7

  1. F1 manager 2000 widnows 7 Patch#
  2. F1 manager 2000 widnows 7 full#
  3. F1 manager 2000 widnows 7 trial#

The videos may take up one square or a couple, but they're all gorgeous. The usual text selections are framed by a series of rounded-edged squares that play a series of FMV clips in them. Graphics If there's one thing you can count on with an EA Sports game, it's a intro and a slick interface, and while F1 2000's intro isn't up to par with the usual string of EA Sports games, the interface is a literal work of art. Fortunately, some car manufacturers offer better control than others, but all of them feel a little too sluggish for an F1 game.

F1 manager 2000 widnows 7 Patch#

It's aggravating to end up in a patch of grass, watching you drop from 5th to 20th just because your car doesn't corner all that well. F1 racers are made to turn on a dime, and start and stop with as little distance as possible, but F1 2000's cars are slow to accelerate, slow to stop, and feel like there's glue in the steering mechanisms. It's a shame that all this depth was thrown into pre-race setup, only to have it all but ruined by some pretty shoddy control. Even though this is a standard in most F1 games, EA does it really well here. This includes changing your refueling strategy (where you want to fill up in the race - early, midway through or later on), get a whether forecast, or change your tires. Not only can you set the race laps, weather, fuel usage, damage, and more, but you're offered the opportunity to actually tune your team strategy.

F1 manager 2000 widnows 7 trial#

Should you feel the need to race against the clock, you can go with a little time trial action to bang out the best time on your favorite track, or just go for the circuit in the championship mode.įrom the championship menu you really get a sense of that kind of tight depth that EA is capable in its games.

F1 manager 2000 widnows 7 full#

You can also opt to race a weekend, which falls somewhere between a full circuit race and that previously mentioned single race. Yes, there's a single race option, but for some reason, it offers crappier control on an already less-than-stellar control model. Every track, driver, car, and car manufacturer from the 2000 season has been brought to the fold here, but the racing that EA actually plopped down into leaves a lot to be desired.įirst, there is no arcade option, so ripping around tracks not worrying about tire or body damage and fuel consumption is really out. Gameplay If there's one thing EA Sports does well, it's utilizing its licenses to the fullest. But is it enough to claim the crown from Psygnosis' F1 masterpiece? EA Sports' addition to the F1 fold is a novel one, offering all the drivers, tracks, and cars of the official 2000 FIA season while serving them up with an interface that's one of the best in games today. There are obviously people who buy and enjoy the games, though, or companies wouldn't make them. There's a certain type of person who can drive around the same track 20 times and still enjoy the game, or someone that can "race" around a track never making a right turn and still call it a game at all. I've said this before, but it bears repeating: F1 and NASCAR racers appeal to a very niche crowd.

F1 manager 2000 widnows 7